In his book, ''A New Kind of Science" (1), Stephen Wolfram describes a new modeling tool, called Cellular Automat (CA). Simple programs evolve in an unpredicted fashion and become extremely complex. CA is particularly suitable for illustrating some characteristics of life, which cannot be modeled with other Artificial Life (AL) tools, e.g., neural networks (NN), or genetic algorithms (GA).
Life is complex, creative , optimal , and continually moves (changes). These characteristics will be illustrated here with CAs . specified by Wolfram. The following examples will apply two totalistic CAs with the respective rules , #357, #600. The first image illustrates the structure of a rule #600 CA. It originates in a seed which is always a 1. Each row represents a state of the CA. The last row is its present state. The picture depicts a CA trajectory which is also its history.

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